Two Year Check Up!

The results are in Weight: 13.1kg ( 50th percentile) Height: 87cm (50th percentile) Head circumference: 49cm (75th percentile) Hobbies and Interests: trucks, diggers, tractors etc. books teddies gymnastics talking (we call you Parrot) Not so good at: listening following instructions staying on a task for longer than three minutes.  

You’re Two!

We cannot believe that you are already two!! Such a day could not go without a huge party and boy did you have fun!! In the morning Pa, Gamma, Jessie and Mum took you to fun bugs!! You played for two whole hours and celebrated with a baby-chino! After your nap you woke up and […]

2016 Christmas is coming!!

Merry second Christmas beautiful boy!!! I can’t believe that you are a 18months old!! Daddy, mummy and yourself went to Myer on Sunday to catch up with Santa. We thought it would be nice if you could get a phot with him and tell him everything that you wish for…. unfortunately you had other plans. […]

The Melbourne Zoo

Giraffes, monkeys, elephants, snakes, lions, tigers.. animals animals animals What a day we had on Sunday November 6th. The four of us (bubba 2 included) jumped in the car and headed to Melbourne for a zoo adventure. We first went to the Keeper Kids center while we waited for out friends Stacey, Dean and Sophia […]

Byron Bay

Our very first plane flight as a family and trip out of Victoria! At fifteen months old you have now been to Victoria (where you live), QLD and NSW. How exciting!!! I tell you what, after our trip to Echuca at the start of the year mum was pretty nervous about how this trip was […]

Happy First Birthday

Happy 1st birthday our beautiful boy! This day an entire year ago at 2:57pm you were brought into this world and mummy and daddy’s lives changed for the better for ever. You bring laughter and sunshine into every single day and we could not imagine life without you. Today, with many family a friends, we […]

11 months old

Wow…. 11 months old. The speed in which time passes constantly amazes me. Our little boy will be 1 year old in just 1 month. Achievements: Walking -up to 10-12 steps at a time!!! Standing for 40 sec or more Clapping Climbing your pram You definitely know your name and the words ‘no’ ‘bang bang’ […]

10 Months

  You have now officially been out for longer than you’ve been in mummy’s tummy. This past month you have started day care with a wonderful lady called Mellissa as mummy prepares to go back to work (2 days a week). Achievements: On Friday 8th of April you took your first step. It was a […]

9 months

Nine months old today… in 3 months you’ll hit the big O-N-E and mummy and daddy have already started planning your first birthday party! Achievements: You are able to carry things in your mouth and hand while crawling and exploring around the house. You are able to stand confidently with support, move your self from […]

8 months

The months keep ticking by and you keep growing!! You are no longer a baby but a little man! Achievements: Dressing you has become almost impossible. We’re pretty proud if we manage to get a sock on you these days. You are a professional cross crawler and each day you explore and crawl further and […]